Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Infamous Murderers - Bernardo & Holmoka/Teale


Karla Holmoka, convicted and served 12 years for her role in the brutal rapes,
torture and murders of Kristen French and LeslieMahaffy. She was also

instrumental in the rape and death of her own younger sister Tammy Homolka,

aged 15. Karla testified against her then husband Paul Bernardo. Homolka

achieved a lesser sentence before it was found that she had participated in a

much greater role in the killings.

Holmoka is out of Canadian prison and is living in the French Speaking Antilles
with her boyfriend Thierry Bordelais's family and her young son. Although she
wears a ring, at this point in time there are no records of a marriage in either
country. Her name is currently LEANNE TEALE.


Bernardo was convicted in Canada with the testimony of his then wife

Karla Holmoka. He is serving life in prison for the brutal rapes and murders
of Kristen French and LeslieMahaffy and of Holmoka's own younger sister

Bernardo thinks he would make a good parole candidate and claims that he
has changed. He cites "I wake up every day knowing I'm not psychopathic.
I care about people. I cried during 9/11. I cried during Columbine." He

further claims that he is a "reformed psychopath" who would never rape

or kill again.

Bernardo's lawyer has said Bernardo would be eligible to apply for parole
in 2010 under the so-called faint hope clause, after serving 15 years
for the murders. Bernardo was designated as a "dangerous offender"
which allows someone to be jailed indefinitely. Although Bernardo is
entitled to apply for parole, his designation may preclude him from being

eligible for parole.

As the Attorney for the Mahffy and French family's opined

"Once a psychopath, always a psychopath."
For other photos and information explore the CMM Forum.