Tabitha Buck age 34, is currently incarcerated at SCI Muncy in
Pennsylvania. She is serving a life sentence without the
possibility of parole for the murder of 16 year old Laurie Show.
She was convicted of one count of second degree criminal homicide
and criminal conspiracy. Buck was aged 17.
Although Tabitha Buck had claimed she was initially under the
impression that she was accompanying her friend Lisa Michelle
Lambert to "cut Laurie Show's hair, the fact remains that the so
called "prank" they had planned to commit was assault and part
of the continued harassment Lambert had been conducting
against the younger girl, and in which she was a willing participant.
In later depositions Buck later admits she was aware of Lambert's
hate for Laurie Show and Lambert's statements to "kill her."
Buck was instrumental in preventing Laurie Show from escaping
the brutal assault and did nothing to prevent Laurie Show's murder
and indeed participated in it by holding the girl down.
Lisa Michelle Lambert over the years filed continous legal motions
amid claims that Tabitha Buck and Lawrence Yunkin were the
true perpetrators and the planners of the murder, seeking to
minimize her own culpability.
1996 - Lambert's lawyer contacted Buck through mail suggesting
she testify for Lambert and throw Lawrence Yunkin under the bus
as the real killer of Laurie Show.
Tabitha Buck responded by informing the attorney that she would
not testify to, nor fabricate any lies to corroborate Lambert's false
1997 - Tabitha Buck acknowledged her own culpability and
testified through deposition and later as witness to a Federal Court
regarding Lambert's actions, Yunkin's, and her own.
Lambert was claiming that she had been wrongfully imprisoned
because she is innocent of the murder. The court recognized that
Buck had accepted her part in the murder and found Buck's
testimony truthful, and Lambert's not. Lambert's motion was
Buck continues to serve her life sentence and though in Pennsylvania
where life means life, she is hopeful that lifers will one day be allowed
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