Lawrence Yunkin, age 36, was formerly incarcerated at the State
Correctional Institution, at Dallas, Pennsylvania. He was serving a
10 to 20 years sentence for driving his then pregnant girlfriend, Lisa
Michelle Lambert, and her friend Tabitha Buck, to the home of 16
year old Laurie Show on December 20, 1991, and driving them away
after the murder of Laurie Show. Yunkin was also charged with
hindering apprehension and helping to dispose of evidence.
Initially Yunkin had received a one year sentence under a plea bargain.
He committed perjury and the plea was withdrawn. He received the
10-20 year sentence.
1992 -October 2 - Yunkin pled no contest to third degree murder and
testified against Lisa Michelle Lambert and Tabitha Buck. Both of whom
were convicted of murder. Lambert of first degree murder, and Buck of
second degree murder. Both are serving life in prison without possibility
of parole.
2001 - Yunkin applied for parole. Denied.
2002- Yunkin applied for parole. Denied.
2003 - August- Yunkin applied for parole. Granted.
2004 - January - Yunkin, aged 32, was released to a half-way house,
York Community Corrections Center in York, PA. and then RELEASED
Yunkin served 12 years of his sentence. He must report to a parole officer
under state supervision until Dec. 21, 2011 - the expiration of his maximum
20 year sentence. If the conditions of his parole are violated he will be sent
back to prison to serve the remainder of the 20 year sentence.
Yunkin reportedly was a model prisoner who participated in the
vocational and rehabilitation programs while imprisoned.
He must report to his area state parole office within 24 hours of
his release from the community corrections center.
Active participation in the community correction center's program
and adherence to all of its rules.
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment and mandatory drug and
alcohol testing.
No consumption of alcohol under any condition.
He also cannot patronize an establishment where alcohol is served
or sold.
No contact with Lambert, Buck or their families.
A payment plan for restitution owed Laurie Show's family.
(John Show informed officials he does not want any
restitution from Yunkin and opposed parole. "Yunkin was the
instigator and the one who started the whole thing. I still feel
he should do more time.'')
Placement on curfew for a minimum of 90 days after completing
the community corrections program and any time when he is
No operation of a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license,
proof of insurance, proper registration and the permission of his
parole agent.
Yunkin's family moved away from Lancaster County, PA and Yunkin
was to live with them after release from the halfway house while he
searches for employment.
Lawrence Yunkin's daughter by Lisa Michelle Lambert was being
raised in Maryland by Lambert's parents who relocated there after
the trial. Yunkin has stated that although he would like to see his
daughter, he has no intention of trying to obtain custody of the girl
or disrupt her life. At the time of his release she was 11 years old.
She is now 16, the same age Laurie Show was when Yunkin
drove Lambert and Buck to Laurie Show's home to murder her.
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