Fred Tokars, 54, convicted in April of 1994 for the murder for hire of
Sara Ambrusko Tokars, aged 39.
He was convicted of eight Federal charges: racketeering, conspiracy,
kidnapping, money laundering and using the telephone in commission
of a murder for hire and sentenced to four consecutive life
sentences without possibility of parole.
March 1997 - Subsequently Tokars was convicted in the State of
Georgia's case against him for malice murder and was sentenced
to life in prison.
FIVE life sentences. It's a shame Tokars eventually won't have to
serve every moment of those five life sentences. Instead he'll serve
just his natural life span behind bars.
His former business associate Eddie Lawrence who Tokars contracted
the killing to pled guilty to Federal charges of aiding and abetting the
murder of Sara Tokars, and of counterfeiting; Lawrence pled guilty to
State of Georgia charges of murder. In agreement to testify against
Fred Tokars hsi received twelve and a half years in Federal custody
and be placed in the Federal Witness protection program.
Curtis Rower, the shooter, after a mistrial pled guilty and received a
life without parole sentence.
November 29, 1992, Sara, and her two sons, then Mike, 4 and
Ricky 6, had returned home from a Thanksgiving visit to Florida
with her family. With the children still in the vehicle, Sara went
into the home to find it unlocked and a stranger waiting.
Rower forced her back into the car, kidnapping the three of them.
Sara asked if he was going to kill her. Recognizing that she was
facing death she attempted to save her children and drove off the
road about a half mile from her home. Rower shot Sara in the head
and then fled the vehicle, leaving both boys shaken and spattered
with their mother's blood.
Ricky led his little brother Mike to a nearby home to get help. He
also testified on the stand at the trial of his father. His testimony
transcripts were used in subsequent trials to spare him the trauma
of reliving the event each time he testified.
Frederic Tokars was uncooperative with authorities and bemoaned
not the loss of his wife, or the trauma that his sons had endured, but
the loss of his previous lifestyle as a Judge pro tem, former Assistant
Attorney and lawyer to the unsavory. Tokars had assisted cocaine
dealers in setting up offshore bank accounts to hide funds. Tokars
had also taken out a $1.7 million in insurance on Sara's life, with
himself as sole beneficiary.
When it was clear law enforcement was getting the goods on his
wheelings and dealings among the unsavory underbelly of
society, Tokars tried to commit suicide and failed.
Tokars has previously filed appeals and yet even the Supreme
Court has refused to hear, much less consider his appeal.
Tokars first prison home was the Big A, in Atlanta, Georgia.
During his prison incarceration Fred Tokars has taken on
another role, that of "snitch."
Trust Tokars to figure out how to manipulate the system in order
Trust Tokars to figure out how to manipulate the system in order
to better conditions for himself. Authorities maintain that persons
such as Tokars are "cooperating witnesses" while inmates, guards
and others refer to them as "snitches."
Snitches, or informants, will exchange information to authorities
Snitches, or informants, will exchange information to authorities
regarding other inmates for better conditions, such as transfer to
a better prison, a chance at reducing or outright eventual freedom
from their sentences, or other benefits including the Federal
Witness Protection Program.
1990's - Fred Tokars is listed as having "offered up his
1990's - Fred Tokars is listed as having "offered up his
services" to the authorities.
1998 - Colorado Supermax prison -Fred Tokars informed
1998 - Colorado Supermax prison -Fred Tokars informed
authorities that fellow inmate Dustin Honken had confessed to
him that he had committed the murders of 3 adults and 2
children in an unsolved case from 1993 in the state of Iowa.
Honken was already serving 27 years for drug distribution.
Prison Psychiatrist regarding Fred Tokars:
"Regarding his personality structure it seems apparent
that he has been dealt many narcisstic blows. He has a
long history of manipulating and coercing people.
He did not talk of his crimes at all and he does not seem
to have any remorse for his crimes."
January 5, 1999 - Fred Tokars was transferred to the medium
security prison at Oxford, Wisconsin. He met another inmate Robert
Ortloff there. Ortloff is serving a 50 year prison term for attempted
murder in a 1986 Texas mail-bombing of a U.S. Army soldier who
reportedly had romantic designs on a girl Ortloff was dating. Ortloff
objected to that. The soldier survived without serious injury.
May 1999- Fred Tokars talks on the phone and mentions an
May 1999- Fred Tokars talks on the phone and mentions an
upcoming Dateline episode concerning himself. Other inmates
overhear and begin discussing this turn of events.
According to prison documents, Tokars was also ratting..er..
According to prison documents, Tokars was also ratting..er..
snitching/informing on a Chicago mafia connected inmate,
and keeping notes on him, and that it was "likely the inmate
discovered Tokars' notes." Tokars was removed from general
population for his safety.
Lt. David Shy memo: Tokars was working (snitching) on four
Lt. David Shy memo: Tokars was working (snitching) on four
specific cases:
Iowa - Dustin Honken; Arizona - Robert Ortloff;
a case having something to do with the Chicago mobster;
and "a mysterious case involving President Clinton."
1999 May 10 - Tokars is found to have case documents belonging
1999 May 10 - Tokars is found to have case documents belonging
to at least a dozen other inmates in his cell. Tokars told Lt. Shy
that he wished to "destroy the other inmate's documents that were
potentially damaging to me." Prison records show he was allowed
to do so.
July 1999 - Fred Tokars informs Tempe, Arizona authorities that
July 1999 - Fred Tokars informs Tempe, Arizona authorities that
Robert Ortloff confessed to him that he had commited the murder
of Kathleen Smith in 1984.
1999 - (summer) Fred Tokars is transferred to a medium security
1999 - (summer) Fred Tokars is transferred to a medium security
prison at Sheridan Prison Camp, Sheridan, Oregon.
2003- March- Frederic Tokars was placed in the Federal
2003- March- Frederic Tokars was placed in the Federal
Witness Protection Program.
A polygraph examiner from Tempe, Arizona administered a
polygraph to Frederic Tokars. The questions were specifically
designed to see whether the "snitch" was telling the truth.
The results were "inconclusive." Tempe, AZ Detective Tom
Magazzini stated the result was probably due to various
medications Tokar was taking.
2003 - Tempe AZ Prosecutors indict Robert Ortloff based on
2003 - Tempe AZ Prosecutors indict Robert Ortloff based on
"Fred Tokars testimony and "cooperation." Ortloff claimed that
Tokars had copied and stolen many of the documents he (Ortloff)
had prepared pertaining to his (Ortloff's) case, including police
reports. He also claimed that he had wanted outside help, not the
help of disbarred and convicted Tokars.
Tokars claimed Ortloff had given him the 88 pages of notes (which
Tokars claimed Ortloff had given him the 88 pages of notes (which
turned out to be photocopies of notes.) He also claimed that they
were "working on" Ortloff's case. Tokars however, was not, and
did not provide any services to Ortloff.
Tokars first claimed that he "came forward" after he'd heard Ortloff
Tokars first claimed that he "came forward" after he'd heard Ortloff
was talking about him (Tokars) on the prison phone. Then Tokars
claimed Ortloff was part of a plot (with South American drug cartel
members) to break out of prison using a remote controlled helicopter.
Tokars "I don't want to break out of prison. Leave me alone."
Tokars also claimed that he "had not seen "any Tempe, AZ police
Tokars also claimed that he "had not seen "any Tempe, AZ police
reports on Kathleen Smith's murder."
2004 - Fred Tokars testified in the Honken trial which ended in
convictions and the death penalty for Dustin Honken.
ARTICLES on the Ortloff trial, case background and Tokars' testimony:
ARTICLES on the Ortloff trial, case background and Tokars' testimony:
orchestrated testimony of two lying psychopaths."
April 2008 -Tokars testifies and Ortloff is convicted.
A JUROR "We didn't believe everything Tokars said. He
A JUROR "We didn't believe everything Tokars said. He
really is a creepy-crawler.
Another JUROR "I wanted to take a shower after watching
Another JUROR "I wanted to take a shower after watching
Tokars for day after day on the stand. But when you think
about it, it isn't all that often, thank God, that you're in the
same room with two psychopaths, one on the stand and the
other sitting with his lawyers at the defense table."
Tokars was returned by Federal marshals to an
Tokars was returned by Federal marshals to an
unspecified location inside the Federal Penal system,
where he continues to serve his five life sentences.
Fred Tokars on why Ortloff and other inmates are so open with him:
Fred Tokars on why Ortloff and other inmates are so open with him:
Because "people look at me as being a smart lawyer who
is now in prison for life, who's never ratted on anybody,
who's basically a stand-up guy and is wealthy and smart."
Tokars also claims that in each of the cases he's testified in, the
Tokars also claims that in each of the cases he's testified in, the
inmates confronted him about his being a former prosecutor and
judge. They threaten him with spreading the information through-
out the prison inmate population unless he cooperates and helps
them with their legal cases. He begins to work for them, they
confess to him. He claims that each had orginally decided to
strangle their victims with rope but instead bashed them in
the head with a blunt object.
Tokars also claims he's not seeking any special deals or breaks
Tokars also claims he's not seeking any special deals or breaks
from the Feds for his testimony.
In each case, his testimony seems almost cookie cutter in its
In each case, his testimony seems almost cookie cutter in its
2008 - Fred Tokars is "reported to be in a Florida Prison
2008 - Fred Tokars is "reported to be in a Florida Prison
Infirmary, bound to a wheelchair and suffering from MS."
However, since Tokars is in the FWP Program, that's not likely to
However, since Tokars is in the FWP Program, that's not likely to
be confirmed and no current photos can be found on prison locator