Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Scott Peterson and Neil Entwistle trial updates

Neil Entwistle's murder trial will be underway as soon as the
jury selection is completed this week. As you might recall he's been
charged with two counts of first-degree murder in addition to gun
charges for the murders of his wife Rachel and baby daughter Lillian
Rose two years ago.

His parents and brother are attending the jury selection and are
to be present throughout Neil's trial. As at the time of his arrest
they are supporting Neil and claim that he is "100 % innocent."
Others from Worksop believe he's been "fitted up" and put
in the "frame" by law enforcement because of a lack of another
viable suspect.

According to the Worksop Guardian newspaper from the Entwistle's
home town, there are "164 names on the witness list, including 30
from the UK and one from Worksop."

His attorney Weinstein has been denied several change of venue
motions and continues to insist that his client won't receive a fair
trial and is also touting the intense media interest from across the
U.S. and abroad as a factor.

I can see why his parents and people who knew/know Neil
would wish to continue to insist upon his innocence. After all,
who wants their judgement questioned? To have to admit
that you knew, were an acquaintance of, or related to someone who
was capable of having committed these two heinous murders would
be a devastating blow.

Until evidence presented at trial shows that he is indeed the one
who committed the foul murders of Rachel and Lillian, I doubt those
who know him will be able to admit to themselves or others, that
Neil was capable and did do it. Even then some may continue to
refuse to believe it.


"Stanislaus County Superior Court Judge Roger Beauchesne will
rule on the scope of a wrongful death civil suit filed by Laci
Peterson's family against her husband in her death. Beachesne
must decide if to win their lawsuit, Laci Peterson's family must
once again prove that Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife and
the couple's unborn son, Connor. "

Laci Peterson's family has filed this largely symbolic lawsuit in hopes
of preventing Scott Peterson from profiting in any manner from this
case now and in the future. Reports are that the court has set aside
an entire month for this civil trial but if the Judge decides that Scott's
conviction and death sentence are allowed in as fact then this trial
should only take several days and will take place in Modesto court.

In Scott's deposition (done on death row nearly two years ago) he
blames the Modesto Police Dept. for not saving or finding Laci and
her unborn son Connor and for incarcerating him unfairly.

"Modesto Police Department never investigated for them.
They could have brought them home ... and that's the reality we
have today."

"Peterson insisted that he is innocent and the victim of a shoddy
investigation by Modesto police."

Scott's deposition will be presented in court in lieu of his presence.
Being incarcerated on death row at San Quentin, he will not be
brought to the court for the trial. He invoked his 5th amendment
rights and during the depositions "declined to answer questions
195 more times."

For photos and other information explore the CMM Forum.