Patricia and her boyfriend Frank DeLuca were both convicted of the murders of
both her parents Frank and Mary Columbo and her 13 year old brother Michael
in 1976.
Patricia believes she is a good candidate for parole but she has over time changed
and twisted and excused her reasoning for committing the crimes. This year, Sept.
2008, Patricia was again denied parole.
Columbo is eligible to apply for appeal very year. So far, she's been denied.

Frank DeLuca is incarcerated at Centralia Correctional Center,
southern Illinois.
The Chicago Sun Times report in 1993 had a letter Deluca had
written to friends which Delucca had provided:
"We arrived at that house together, both knowing what was about
to take place. And regardless of what she says, or you may choose to
believe, I am not the person who stabbed that boy one hundred times.
Such was her hatred for her brother, and her family." He has accepted
full responsibility for his actions and is resigned to living out his life behind
Discharge From Parole: