In Remembrance:
New York City, the World Trade Center, and all who worked there, their loved ones, family, friends.
American Airlines Flight 11- WTC
United Airlines Flight 175 - WTC
American Airlines Flight 77 - Pentagon
United Airlines Flight 93-Pennsylvania
all their passengers, loved ones, family members, friends.
Washington D.C., Pentagon, all who worked there, loved ones,family, friends.
All those who serve in the military, their loved ones, family, friends.
The Rescuers, volunteers, Fire Dept. Police Dept., Rescue Services, Military, Churches, Air Traffice Controllers, and ordinary citizens who gave willingly of their time, their help, their
Those in the United States and around the world, unable to physically help, but were there in spirit, hoping, praying, and sending donations.

Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict, the actions of evil people who are intent on causing terror.
There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror.
December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103, killed -270.(259 on the plane, 11 on the ground) were citizens of 21 nations. Of them, 189 were Americans.
1993 World Trade Center bombing killed -six and injured 1,000;
1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, killed - five U.S. military personnel;
1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, killed -19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel;
1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, killed -224 and injured 5,000;
2000 bombing of the USS Cole, killed -17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors;
2001 - 9-11-01 World Trade Center, Pentagon, Somerset Pennsylvania, killed-3,047.
Injured, thousands. Affected, millions.
July 7, 2005, London Underground Circle Line and Tavistock Square Bus bombing. Killed -52. Injured - 700. Affected, millions.
July 21, 2005, four explosions on the London Underground and a London Bus.
Detonators exploded, but not the main charge. No casualties.
The world has held it's breath each time in disbelief.
United We Stand.