Loretta Just Open Mouth & Insert Foot
“If any of you steps one paw outside the kennel andcomes here, to Usenet, to Websleuths, or anywhere Irecognize you, be warned that I will greet you withyour real name, your pet's name (if I know it), yourkids' names (if you have any), your husband's name (ifyou have one); I'll ask about the weather in yourtown, and I'll mention your name in every subsequentpost. In bold letters.” Loretta 1/06
Loretta stepped on it big time when she typed this post in the comment section at misfitting dot com about “outing” any and all “Mutts” who may post at Websleuths, or Usenet. Up to this point, many people could not understand the reason BB existed or the reason BB’ers tended to band together with one purpose in mind. Now, however, because of Loretta’s own words, people will be less willing to venture over and read her site due to fear of one’s personal information being released to the internet world.
Congratulations, Loretta Dillemuth Smith Serrano Dillon. You did this all yourself no Mutts involved!
What a way to start 2006! Crim